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Was hat das Spielen mit der Zukunft unserer Kinder zu tun? - SCHMETTERLINE

What does play have to do with the future of our children?

One could say that play is children's main occupation. Not only do they have fun, but they learn to understand the world around them. Because of this, everything children see, hear, hold and understand quickly becomes a game. So play is the "acting confrontation" of children with their entire environment.

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Die Natur: ein Balsam für Körper und Seele - SCHMETTERLINE

Nature: a balm for body and soul

All parents have already proven it in practice: In nature, children are more relaxed, happier, more content, and they even fight less with siblings and friends when they are in the countryside.

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In der Disziplin liegt die Kraft - SCHMETTERLINE

There is power in discipline

Behind the results of every top performer from every walk of life is massive effort and dedication. In short: the power that makes everything possible lies in discipline. But how do we encourage this in our children?

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Wie gehst Du mit Fehlern um? - SCHMETTERLINE

How do you deal with mistakes?

Mistakes are the most natural way to learn and grow. They are part of every learning process. But while that sounds obvious and logical, most of us don't deal with mistakes easily. But why is it like that?

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Bildung und Entwicklung unserer Kinder - SCHMETTERLINE

Education and development of our children

There is probably nothing more important in the world than our children's education and development, however, often due to lack of time, interest, fear or convenience, we delegate the most important task we have to third parties.

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