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Über Ziele, Ergebnisse und Fehler - SCHMETTERLINE

About goals, results and mistakes

Having the modesty and courage to first admit to mistakes and then full of anticipation to plan and implement new, different ideas - that's exactly what entrepreneurship is for us. This is exactly how we learn and grow. And often most of all from the mistakes and the resulting changes.

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Eigene Ziele definieren - SCHMETTERLINE

Defining the own goals

How can children develop skills they will need in adult life? Defining own goals and being able to achieve them is essential for a successful and fulfilling life.

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Wie entstehen eigentlich unsere Produkte? - SCHMETTERLINE

How are our products actually made?

Did you know that many of our ideas for our products, songs and books come up when we use them, when we play and make music with our children and when we exchange ideas with them?

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Strong kids

Many of us probably wish to raise strong children : children who can defend themselves, speak their minds, and aren't afraid of what other people might think of them. But how does one do it?

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Trommelschläge und Kinderbedürfnisse - SCHMETTERLINE

Drumbeats and children's needs

Which child does not like to hit full of energy on a drum? Small children may then often hear: "Not so loud". But what is behind that drum beating and the ability to bang an "advertisement drum" for yourself?

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Was hat das Spielen mit der Zukunft unserer Kinder zu tun? - SCHMETTERLINE

What does play have to do with the future of our children?

One could say that play is children's main occupation. Not only do they have fun, but they learn to understand the world around them. Because of this, everything children see, hear, hold and understand quickly becomes a game. So play is the "acting confrontation" of children with their entire environment.

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Die Natur: ein Balsam für Körper und Seele - SCHMETTERLINE

Nature: a balm for body and soul

All parents have already proven it in practice: In nature, children are more relaxed, happier, more content, and they even fight less with siblings and friends when they are in the countryside.

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In der Disziplin liegt die Kraft - SCHMETTERLINE

There is power in discipline

Behind the results of every top performer from every walk of life is massive effort and dedication. In short: the power that makes everything possible lies in discipline. But how do we encourage this in our children?

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