What do you think of this quote from Einstein?
Isn't it interesting to wonder what we're really doing differently if we want to achieve different outcomes than what we're already achieving?
Do you actually have clear goals?
If you don't know where you want to go, it's also difficult to know if you're already on the right path.
And if what we experience today and what shows up in our lives is not yet what we would like to achieve - then it is probably time to let other actions follow.
We at Schmetterline also take this very seriously, because we have many projects and not all of them bring us to the results that we set out to do.
Having the modesty and courage to first admit to mistakes and then full of anticipation to plan and implement new, different ideas - that's exactly what entrepreneurship is for us. This is exactly how we learn and grow. And often most of all from the mistakes and the resulting changes.
The changes would often not have been implemented so quickly if it hadn't been for the mistakes. That's why we're grateful for every misstep that gives us the impulse to do something different than we've done before.
Your educational team from SCHMETTERLINE