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Drums: always popular!
Drumming is always popular. It doesn't matter whether it's loud, quiet, slow, fast, gentle or wild - children (and of course not only children ;)) can express so many things with drumming. It has now been proven that serotonin is generally released from the body when drumming and making music - the so-called happiness hormone.
So it's no wonder that drumming and making music have a balancing, inspiring, motivating and "happy-making" effect! It doesn't matter if you have a drum at home or not, there are actually so many ways you can "drum" on it, be it the good old upside down pot or a Tupperware bowl, children are creative anyway. By the way, here you will find many game ideas on how to try out a lot with a drum, a pot or anything "drum-like"! We look forward to you stopping by! All the best, Your Vanessa and Annette by Schmetterline