What does loving parenting actually mean?
If you ask 10 parents or educators what they understand by loving parenting, you will probably get 10 different answers. For some it may mean responding to their child's inclinations and interests, for others it may mean setting clear and meaningful boundaries. But who associates a loving upbringing and affection with knowledge?

And what kind of knowledge?
Loving upbringing is often confused with "making everything right" for the child. If they want ice cream, they'll get ice cream. If you don't want to do sports, then you don't have to. Seems loving, doesn't it?
What does this child experience when, later as an adult, it finds itself in the situation that the decision that it would have liked to have not been made in a professional team meeting? Has it learned to deal with frustration and rejection?
What does this child experience when, later as a father or mother, he/she experiences the situation that his/her own child rebels against him/her, crosses borders or does the opposite of the imposed rules? Has it learned to deal with problems and resistance?
At Schmetterline, we think it's important to prepare children holistically - and that means knowing what to expect later - for their future. This may also mean that a child today is set limits or does tasks that it doesn't find so "cool". Or because of which we as educators are not found great. But that is exactly what a safe educator does not need.
If we do this knowing that we are preparing children for their future, then there is knowledge behind it - and with it the certainty and conviction of why we are doing this. And a child feels this security and it also gives him security.
What do you think about that?
All the best,
Your team from Schmetterline