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Der Regenbogen wartet nicht - SCHMETTERLINE

The Rainbow doesn't wait

The Rainbow doesn't wait

What do you think about priorities in life? It's certainly not the same every moment. But how do you differentiate when it is important enough that you show your child or your child you (!) a rainbow.
Sometimes certain events happen that help you - at least that's how I experience it - to look at your own life with a certain distance and to ask yourself: Why am I doing what I'm doing? What is really important? And which area of my life has catching up to do? And in what?
The bright spots aren't always that clear, at least not for me, and that's why I've gotten into the habit of writing down these insights and reading them up again when the moments aren't so clear.
To also take this into account in my plan, especially when the clarity has decreased - because sometimes there is more going on in everyday life than what was actually planned.
Who knows this?
Yours, Annette from Schmetterline

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