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Vorteile vom Musizieren mit Kindern - SCHMETTERLINE

Benefits of making music with children

Benefits of making music with children

Making music with children has so many advantages that go far beyond musicality, hearing and a sense of rhythm. Here are some examples:

CHILD-FRIENDLY CONCENTRATION: When making music, you automatically listen to yourself and others and still have enough variety with different instruments.

SOCIAL SKILLS: Few examples are as apt to represent group behavior as the orchestra. The togetherness only succeeds if everyone pays enough attention to themselves and others and plays their own melody, which at the same time fits into the big picture.

MENTAL SKILLS: Music and mathematics or physics are closely linked. Not only because of the brain areas that are addressed, but also through skills that are promoted.


At Schmetterline, we have not only developed great musical instruments that encourage children to play, but also over 50 musical play ideas that you can find here !

We wish you lots of fun making music!

All the best,

Your team from Schmetterline

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