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Rhythmen: Ein Balsam für Körper und Geist - SCHMETTERLINE

Rhythms: A balm for body and soul

Rhythms: A balm for body and soul

There is something that already accompanies us in our mother's womb, what we recognize and always touches us, no matter whether it sounds louder, quieter, softer, wilder, faster or slower: Rhythms!

Rhythmic movements, be they of the heart or the pulse, are not only essential for survival, but can also be a real balm for the ears and the whole body. Especially in children, vibrations generated by self-played rhythms or melodies have beneficial, calming, healing and beneficial effects on the whole organism.

But not only rhythms, which experience resonance in the body, the musicality, hearing and sense of rhythm that are trained, but also the motor skills of the hands and fingers and above all the interaction of both halves of the brain are playfully stimulated by rhythm instruments.

The intuitively improvising right brain hemisphere discovers new rhythm sequences, while the analytically rational left brain hemisphere deals with note values and lengths and their assignment, whereby both brain hemispheres become active in a playful way.

This is exactly what is promoted by our instruments and it supports musical advancement as an important part of the holistic development of our children.

Making music is undoubtedly one of those activities that not only promote motor skills and stimulate analysis, but also have a healing, integrative effect and are simply a lot of fun!

Who doesn't love it when their own children or those close to them have fun playing, making music and learning through play?

Making music together, inventing rhythms, singing along and sharing all of this with friends and family is great fun and not only connects children and their parents, but also children of different ages - and playfully promotes the sense of rhythm and tact as well as the musicality.

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All the best,

Your team from Schmetterline

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