Game Idea: Plan master

Age: From 5 years
Players: From 1 child (and one accompanying adult)
What do you need?
The template for this game idea and the song book of the xylophone or 16-piece rhythm set
My Plan
How is it played?
Print out the template once for each child. Look for the song “My Plan” in the song book and sing it, ideally you should play the xylophone. Think about planning: what does it mean to plan? What do you plan for?
Then take the template and write or draw (or both) in each field what you intend to do for this part of the day: activities, thoughts, feelings, etc. Several fields can also be in one field.
One suggestion is to not only write “lunch” but also what part of it you are responsible for. For example: “Tablecloths for lunch”. If you can't write yet, draw the plates and cutlery on the table.
Or not just writing or painting “Going to school”, but how you want to feel there: Excited? Balanced? Concentrated? As a good friend?
What is promoted?
Structure, planning and visualization skills, social skills, imagination