Game idea: Note value rally
Age: From 6 years
Players: 1 child
What do you need? The template for this game idea and the drum set from Schmetterline
Note Value Rally
Grading system for advanced learners
How is it played?
Print out the template in black and white on DIN A4 paper and cut out the 6 rectangles. Then you turn over all the cards and uncover one rhythm sequence after the other. Drum along the rhythms you find on the cards.
Before doing this, you might want to look back at the introduction to rhythm on the first page of the drum book to remind yourself which notes are shorter and which are longer. If you already know that, then start drumming right away!
If there are more children, each one turns over a card one after the other and drums it, then it is the next turn. Everyone who doesn't drum, accompany the rhythm with claps or other rhythm instruments!
Have fun drumming, toning and learning note values!
For advanced:
Anyone who is already able to read music can create their own rhythm sequences, drum them and then write them down in the empty staff (see templates)!
What is promoted?
Rhythm, theory of music, hearing, association, fun in learning