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Schmetterline im Wandel der Farben: Ein frisches und dynamisches Rebranding

Schmetterline is changing: A fresh and dynamic rebranding

Schmetterline is changing: A fresh and dynamic rebranding

We are excited to present you our big rebranding project! After long months of hard work, creative brainstorming and intensive design process, the time has finally come - Schmetterline presents itself in a completely new look and with a fresh breeze!

Our goal was to transfer the dynamism but at the same time the sustainability that has always characterized Schmetterline into a contemporary and exciting look.

The first thing you will notice is our new logo. It features a stylized butterfly that embodies freedom, creativity and adventure. The curved lines and vibrant colors reflect the dynamism and lightness that characterize Schmetterline. We are sure you will like the new logo as much as we do!

We would like to thank all our loyal customers who have accompanied us on this exciting journey. Your support and feedback have been an invaluable source of inspiration for us. With the rebranding, we want to further express our commitment to you and continue to provide toys of the highest quality and fun.

Look forward to the coming time as we gradually unveil our new products. We can't wait to invite you into the world of Schmetterline, which is full of adventure and discovery.

Follow us on our social media channels and our new website to stay up to date and never miss any news. Let's dive together into an exciting future full of fun and games!

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